
Video Player Props

1import { VideoPlayerProps, preload, VideoControlOptionsToRemove, VideoMimeType, sources } from "react-video-audio-player";
Video Player Properties
The URL of the video to embed. This is optional; you may instead use the sources property to specify one or more source elements for the video.
sourcesArray<{ src: string; type: string }>[]
An array of objects containing the URL and type of the video to embed. This is optional; you may instead use the src property to specify the URL of the video.
The accent color to use for the player controls
tracksArray<{ src: string; kind: string; label: string; srclang: string; default?: boolean }>[]
An array of objects containing the URL, kind, label, and srclang of the tracks to embed.
A URL for an image to be shown while the video is downloading. If this attribute isn't specified, nothing is displayed until the first frame is available, then the first frame is shown as the poster frame.
A number representing the time in seconds to generate a poster for the video. If not provided, a poster will be generated at half the video duration.
preload"auto" | "metadata" | "none" | """metadata"
This enumerated attribute is intended to provide a hint to the video player about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience regarding what content is loaded before the video is played. It may have one of the following values:
- none: Indicates that the video should not be preloaded.
- metadata: Indicates that only video metadata (e.g. length) is fetched.
- auto: Indicates that the whole video file can be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.
- empty string: A synonym of the auto value.
The spec advises it to be set to metadata but if the video is streamed, auto is a better choice.
If this attribute is present, the video player will offer controls to allow the user to control video playback, including volume, duration, seeking, pause/resume playback, picture in picture (if supported), playback rate, skip forward, skip backward and fullscreen toggle.
A Boolean attribute; if specified, the video automatically begins to play back as soon as it can without stopping to finish loading the data.
A Boolean attribute that indicates the default audio mute setting contained in the video. If set, the audio will be initially silenced. Its default value is false, meaning the audio will be played when the video is played.
A Boolean attribute; if specified, the video player will automatically seek back to the start upon reaching the end of the video.
A Boolean attribute indicating that the video is to be played "inline", that is, within the element's playback area. Note that the absence of this attribute does not imply that the video will always be played in fullscreen.
A number indicating the default playback speed of the video when loaded. The default value is 1.0, which indicates normal speed. The value must be between 0.0625 and 16.0.
A number indicating the default volume of the video when loaded. The default value is 1.0, which indicates normal volume. The value must be between 0 and 1.
A number representing the time in seconds to seek to in the video when it has loaded
controlsToExcludeArray<typeof VideoControlOptionsToRemove>[]
An array of controls to remove from the video player. The following controls can be removed:
- center-playPause-button: Center play/pause button
- bottom-playPause-button: Bottom play/pause button
- skip-forward-backward: Skip forward and backward buttons
- progress: Progress bar
- current-time: Current time display
- duration: Duration display
- volume: Volume control
- mute: Mute button
- fullscreen: Fullscreen button
- playbackRate: Playback rate control
- pip: Picture-in-picture button
widthstring | number"100%"
A string or number representing the width of the video player.
heightstring | number"100%"
A string or number representing the height of the video player. minHeight: 180px
Additional class names for the video player
Additional styles for the video player
customErrorMessagestring"An error occurred while trying to play the video."
Custom error message to display when video fails to load
If true, disables double-click functionality for play/pause or fullscreen.
If true, double-clicking the video toggles fullscreen mode.
If true, shows a download button for the video.
If true, disables keyboard shortcuts for video controls.
onProgress(currentTime: number, duration: number) => voidundefined
Callback during video playback progress
onSeeking(time: number) => voidundefined
Callback when the video when the user starts seeking
onSeeked(time: number) => voidundefined
Callback when the video after the user finishes seeking
onPlay() => voidundefined
Callback when the video starts playing
onPause() => voidundefined
Callback when the video is paused
onEnded() => voidundefined
Callback when the video ends
onVolumeChange(volume: number) => voidundefined
Callback when the volume is changed
onPlaybackRateChange(rate: number) => voidundefined
Callback when the playback rate is changed
onMuteChange(isMuted: boolean) => voidundefined
Callback when the mute state is changed
onFullscreenChange(isFullscreen: boolean) => voidundefined
Callback when the fullscreen state is changed
onPictureInPictureChange(isPictureInPicture: boolean) => voidundefined
Callback when the picture-in-picture state is changed
onDownloadStart() => voidundefined
Callback when video download starts
onDownloadEnd(success: boolean) => voidundefined
Callback when video download ends, with success status
onError() => voidundefined
Callback when there is an error
onReady() => voidundefined
Callback when the video is ready
onDuration(duration: number) => voidundefined
Callback with video duration
getVideoRef(ref: HTMLVideoElement | null) => voidundefined
Get video element reference to access video properties and methods. Learn more about the HTMLMediaElement interface.

Example Usage

1import { VideoPlayer } from 'react-video-audio-player';
3function App() {
4  return (
5    <VideoPlayer
6      src="video.mp4"
7      controls
8      autoPlay={false}
9      loop={false}
10      muted={false}
11      width="100%"
12      height="auto"
13      accentColor="#60a5fa"
14    />
15  );

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Space - Play/Pause
  • M - Mute/Unmute
  • F - Toggle Fullscreen
  • P - Picture-in-Picture
  • - Seek -10s
  • - Seek +10s
  • - Volume Up
  • - Volume Down
  • S - Change Speed